26 September 2008


Some of you may know about my love (obsession) for apples, well, I just bit in to my first apple of the fall. And it was FABULOUS! I actually can't remember the last time I ate and apple which is about to upset me, but since they are in season again I won't worry about it too much. I don't know exactly where my love of apples came from.. it could have been picking them in the orchards in Michigan when I was little, the apple pies and apple butter that came afterwards, the sticky mess of caramel apples at the fair, the stories my grandfather told about being dropped off at college with a basket of apples to make friends, or my own stories of making friends because of apples. Most of all the flavor is probably what I love most but the memories of everything else makes them so much better. My favorite time to eat an apple would have to be on a cool crisp day with the warmth from the sun beaming down through the colorful fall leaves while walking down the sidewalk through the crunchy leaves that have already fallen. Perfect.