18 May 2011


The problem with coffee is that it exists; however, there would also be a problem if it didn't.

coffee cup, Bialetti espresso maker
Coffee or more specifically caffeine is most defiantly a drug.  Proof of this can be felt when I drink a cup.  Maybe it only affects me but I'm pretty sure the feeling of conquering the world that follows shortly after the small cup of espresso is felt by all.  Suddenly my mind starts racing and I can think of a hundred things that I want and can do that day.  After about ten minutes the feeling fades and I'm left a two page To Do List that almost never gets completed.  This is followed by the overwhelming feeling of being lazy... that is until my next up.
Bialetti Moka Express working its magic
It's amazing to me that anything gets done in this country (Italy), or maybe that is specifically why nothing gets done.  Coffee has been a huge part of the culture since the 1600s and before, but coffee houses and cafe's don't really exist much.  Italians drink their coffee at the bar and rarely sit- unless it's a local place and a sitting fee isn't demanded.  It's a small cup and you don't need much time to drink the espresso-- just enough to melt some sugar if you like and then gulp it down.  This may actually be perfect since the caffeine surge will hit a few moments later and the drinker is already on his/her way to do something productive.  The task must be more likely to be completed under the influence of caffeine and once you start the project of sorts it's a waste to stop.  Alright I've got the secret now.... off to get that list down to one page!!!

10 March 2011

Making Things

I think about 3 months is a general gap that I leave when I post on here.  I'm actually going to try to post some interesting things about Italy and Florence and whatnot soon.. I hope.  I guess this could turn into a travel blog again, but maybe it will just be informational.  Enough about that!  This post was supposed to be about what I have been making these past weeks; not about what the nature of this blog is to be in the future.

My Purse!
I've been needing a new purse; a cross body type purse, but not always.  I'd looked online and found some beautiful purses, but with my measly income I somehow thought it would be more economical to make the purse myself.  Also this way I could make it as I liked.  So I did just that.  I may have spent too much on fabric BUT I can make pillows now too or something else.  So here's my happy purse with an inside zip pocket, 3 open pockets, and dual option carrying straps.


I've been working hard on some smaller albums that were requested as baby gifts.  I also wanted to do an exposed spine binding again b/c it has been WAY too long since I have done one of those.  Lately it's been all about leather bindings, so it was fun to do the paper covers and detailed stitching on the spine.  

leather bound baby album
exposed spine
2011 agenda in italian.  photo: back and inside

Ok I think that'll do for now.  I'm updating my website as well and new photos with info will be up soon.  Since I'm working out details for a new layout I think it maybe be next week before it is finally ALL online.  I will do some small updates today though.