I saw this last weekend at a bookstore and fell completely in love. The Moleskine 2010 Color a Month Daily Planner. I was instantly sad that I had already bought my 18 Month planner back in June, but then realized that the Color a Month Planner wouldn't be very practical for me right now. It would take up quite a bit of space when packing and the new year doesn't start for few months. I still have time if I find it necessary. But for those of you who aren't planning on moving to another country right away-- who wouldn't want a planner that changes colors every month. Perfect for planning events, noting different appointments, and if you like the idea of keeping a small journal this is great for that too!
Product Description:
January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010
An individual Volant daily planner for each month of the year. Light and practical to carry, easy to collect. The 12 months are packed in a gift box that protects,organizes, and preserves.