12 September 2007

Onions and Potatoes

This doesn't have anything to do books or photography.. at least not yet, although I probably won't do anything with it in either of those mediums. I found out today that potatoes and onions both have a very long life; sadly I don't remember exactly how long, but I did learn that you will cut that life span in half by storing the two together. I don't know why this is but Michael Chiarello mentioned it on his show on the Food Network: Easy Entertaining. Just a bit of info that I thought I should pass on to everyone.


Judea said...

hmmmm.....I now know something I didn't! You made my day! :)
Hey check it out....
I have a website now!

Unknown said...

I just looked this up the other day, having purchased a bag of onions and a bag of potatoes. It's sort of not true, though it SEEMS true.

What happens is that if you store potatoes at their ideal temperature (about 50 degrees F), you shouldn't store the onions in the same place, because that's the ideal temperature for onions to sprout.

Weird, huh?