22 October 2009

Where I'll Be...

I leave today!  I can't really believe that I am actually leaving today- I've been so preoccupied with so many other things that I have pretty much just been in denial about actually leaving.  Probably why I haven't been as sad as I would normally be about missing everyone.  Oh and packing was nearly a disaster-- I think all of my things are now in every room in the house (sorry mom and dad).  I kept wondering how I had too much stuff when it looked about the same as when I traveled before and then I remembered... they changed the weight limit last year from 70lbs per bag to 50lbs.  That is a total of 40lbs!!!! and the suitcases tend to weigh so much that you usually only get about 50-75% of that weight in actual things that you need.  Thankfully I had some light weight suitcases and a helpful set of parents.  Narrowed everything down over and over again.  So now I am all packed and probably over the limit a little, but I am hoping for sympathetic people at the airline desk.  Anyway, I'm headed to a teeny tiny town in northwestern Italy (about an hour south of Torino/Turin) and by teeny tiny I mean about half the size of Arkadelphia!  I tend to forget that you can get smaller than this but I will be reminded soon.  I will be an au pair/nanny for a family there with one 4 year old boy.  I think we'll have a pretty good time playing and learning (both of us).  I am supposed to be helping him and his family with their English but since no one else in town really knows any my Italian should finally get better!  I should have more information soon so I'll update when I get there. A Presto!

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